Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritan

Puritans were a group of settlers in America who came to spread their religion. They didn't venture far from chosen principles and lived their lives to follow them all; as whole they were very rigid and stern being sure to follow strict moral codes. In their community, someone would be looked down upon for not praying daily or going to church on Sunday; reading a book other than the bible was unheard of, and by doing so one was accused of being a witch! Puritans set out to be a Utopian society but there seemed to always be some internal chaos.
Today many people would consider Puritans to pretty much be null and void. However the people that resemble Puritans the most today are, in my opinion, extremist Muslims. Extremist are people who believe in something, whether politically or religiously, and will go to extreme heights “protect” it; some even going as far as hurting others to convey their message.
Now don’t get me wrong, not all Muslims are extremists. In fact, a vast majority of them are not and the ones who are have put a bad label on the Muslim religion. These groups of Muslim fundamentalists, like the Puritans, follow their code of behavior or religious writings down to every word, and a lot times resent any views that oppose their own.  An example of this would be 911. The US has project this westernized version of living and, from a different point of view, have forced it on other cultures. Cultures that really don’t believe in it and don’t want it displayed to their people as something cool to do, especially if it counters their religious principles. This “pushiness” of the US enraged the extremist igniting a feud which caused them to strike back with terrorist attacks that killed many!

Extremist groups today are similar to Puritans. Both groups strongly believe in their ideologies and almost never see any other another way thinking. They set out to be perfect, and try to follow their codes without question or hesitation; those who don’t follow them are looked down upon and both groups do something about it, whether it is public humiliation or violence. Modern day Puritans = Extremists Groups.


  1. I highly agree with your statements of how extremists are very similar to Puritans, due to the fact that Puritans were, in a sense, extremists. Breaking a simple rule would cause you to be severely punished or be frowned upon. This is what extremists today do. In addition to that, they constantly put religion is such high account and in such high power that it dictates their every move, life or death. I like your new sense of extremists being Puritans, and I regret myself not seeing it. Good job! Do you think that there are any particular groups today that are much like Puritans, however?

    1. Thanks for your comment and for reading my blog (You definitely got what I was trying to say)! To answer your question, I think that members of the Westboro Baptist Church have that "extremist modern day puritan-esk" about themselves, and they, like the puritans, have strong idealogies. Members of the Westboro church seem to be people that will stop at nothing than to protect what they believe in and will do so even if means restorting to extreme measures!

  2. I agree with what you said about how Puritans were extremist and how because of that, there was always somebody not living up to their standards who was therefor "evil". You could have mentioned how in our society it is fairly common to see extremists not only with religion but even with something as simple as political standpoints or even dieting and fitness.
